Treatments Salon's at Cavalry Ground / Treatments

Skin Life Clinic, Cavalry Ground Lahore

Link-2, Street-1, Near CSD, 26 Cavalry Ground, Lahore

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Skin Life Clinic


Acne Treatment

Approx 30min

Rs: 5000

Anti aging Skin

Approx 30min

Rs: 5000

Skin Whitening Treatment

Approx 30min

Rs: 6000

Chemical Peels

Approx 30min

Rs: 4000

Micro Dermabrasion

Approx 30min

Rs: 5000

Laser Micropeel

Approx 30min

Rs: 9999.99

Mosaic Fractional Laser Resurfacing

Approx 30min

Rs: 9000

Photo Facial

Approx 30min

Rs: 9999.99